Behind the Mask: On A DPR Level with Krista Ramchandani

DPR SKN is skin care that goes deeper. Our philosophy is about helping people to get on a deeper level with their own skin care by integrating wellness and self-love to promote a healthy lifestyle. Through our product and the Journal, we share our advice, skin care and wellness tips, and overall how to be the best you can be. We love to read interviews and get a glimpse of people’s lives. We see that all day long on social media but do we really know each other?

On the latest Behind the Mask feature, we chatted with our original muse, the beautiful Krista Ramchandani. With an infectious personality and natural beauty that anyone would envy, Krista embodies all that DPR SKN stands for. She tries to live her life to the fullest while remaining true to herself, and caring for others. Get to know Krista on a DPR [deeper] level…

Tell us a little about yourself... age, where you live, what you do, etc.

I’m 21 years old currently a full-time college student and I work at a steakhouse. I don’t have much free time between work and school, but I love spending time with my family, friends, and boyfriend. I love to cook, I find it helps me to be creative, making yummy, healthy food.

What are your biggest skin care concerns? How do you overcome them?

My biggest skin care concern is hormonal breakouts. It’s hard to overcome these because they feel like they are totally out of my control; however, I have been putting the DPR SKN Clay Mask on areas that tend to break out around that time of the month and it has helped my skin immensely!

How do you incorporate the Clay Mask into your skin care routine?

I use the Clay Mask everyday, twice a day. I wash my face and then apply moisturizer and then I rub a thin layer of the Clay Mask all the way in on any blemishes I have. I then apply my sunscreen and am good for the day. Before bed, I spot treat any blemishes or areas that I feel a blemish coming on with the Clay Mask. I have been doing this ever since the product has launched, and I haven’t had a pimple actually form, they simply disappear. I don’t wear makeup—I personally feel most beautiful with no makeup on!


How do you take care of yourself on a deeper level (what do you do to stay active, healthy, and embrace your natural beauty?)

I love taking my dog on runs to help release stress or hiking with my sisters and mom. I try and incorporate workouts at the gym or at home, basically whatever I am feeling. I try and do yoga with my sister to help me stay calm. I also recently started meditating which helps me feel more connected, positive, and peaceful throughout my days and definitely feel less stressed. I try to keep a positive mindset and I genuinely love myself. Everyday I try to work on being someone that I would want to be around. I spend my time with uplifting people and I like to help others and that in turn makes me feel good.

Any last words or advice?!

Stay humble, work hard, be kind, and stay positive!


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