Behind the Mask: On A DPR Level with Emily Soule

DPR SKN is skin care that goes deeper. Our philosophy is about helping people to get on a deeper level with their own skin care by integrating wellness and self-love to promote a healthy lifestyle. Through our product and the Journal, we share our advice, skin care and wellness tips, and overall how to be the best you can be. We love to read interviews and get a glimpse of people’s lives. We see that all day long on social media, and read countless celeb interviews, but let’s get to know each other on a DPR level.

For our latest Behind the Mask feature, we chatted with the sweetest girl, Emily Soule. She’s a FIDM student, an entrepreneur, content creator, and radiates beauty through her golden and relatable Instagram posts. Learn more about how Emily does it all and how she uses the Clay Mask in her skin care routine. Get to know Emily on a DPR [deeper] level...

Tell us a little about yourself... age, where you live, what you do, etc.

I am 21 years old and am from Orange County, CA, but now live in Downtown Los Angeles. I am a junior at FIDM studying social media with a minor in merchandise marketing. I am the co-founder of a social media agency and also a content creator. I love to travel, find new places to eat, and spend time with my friends.

You started your own social media agency, The Social Queens… so cool! How do you manage your time working on growing your business and keeping up with your school work?

It’s hard to find the perfect balance between work and school and by no means am I an expert yet, but I like to keep a strict schedule of when I can work. Since I always want to go above and beyond, I do have to stop myself so I don't work all night. I also think it’s important to stay organized. I have multiple agenda templates that I use for content creation, school, work, and my attempt at a social life.

What are your biggest skin care concerns? How do you overcome them?

Currently my biggest skin concern would have to be my dry skin. I was diagnosed with eczema three years ago and have to constantly treat my skin. I am always moisturizing my face since I don’t want to develop any dry patches. I, personally, like to stay away from drying skin products since it can cause more issues for me.

What are a few of your favorite steps in your skin care routine and how do you incorporate the Clay Mask into your routine?

I really like to use Mario Badescu, Fresh, and DPR SKN for my skin care routine. I usually use Mario Badescu every single day as well as Fresh to moisturize my skin. Then I use DPR SKN for any blemishes as an overnight treatment! I absolutely love using the Clay Mask before I go to bed as a spot treatment! It is perfect to get rid of any blemishes and leaves my skin feeling amazing. I take skin care very seriously and this mask has really been a plus to my skin care routine.

How do you take care of yourself on a deeper level (what do you do to stay active, healthy, and embrace your natural beauty)?

I think that self care is the best care. Especially when you are constantly busy like I am, it’s important to take a step back and do something that can help me. I like to take dance classes or yoga to stay active while having fun!

Any last words or advice?!

Be confident in your own skin! It’s hard since we are always seeing these unrealistic beauty standards across the media and now social media. But remember that no one is perfect and that’s what makes us all unique! So don’t worry about fitting a "mold." Have fun and live life to the fullest!


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